Do I Miss Teaching?

So much!
Why did I leave?
I was a full time classroom teacher as well as Head of Key Stage 1. It felt as though I just couldn’t do anything and what I was doing, I couldn’t do well. I was trying to be the best teacher I could be as well as the best leader I could be. How could I expect my team to be doing something if I couldn’t do it myself? So I worked myself to the bone to try and do everything well. There was just too much to do and not enough time. So I started getting into school earlier, leaving later and then bringing work home with me.
I felt like I couldn’t cope. I would teach maths, go to the toilet to cry. Then go back to teach English & back to the toilet to cry. Basically teach, cry, teach repeat.
I lost sight of what was important and how to prioritise things. Everything upset me. I couldn’t socialise and when I did, I would just cry. My eyes burnt with exhaustion, I had a permanent headache and I had that ‘Sunday feeling’ every single day of the week. Every part of my life was affected by being burnt out.
Something HAD to change.
This was no way of living.
To get to where I am now wasn’t a quick ‘fix’. I had coaching which SAVED me. It helped me see what and how to prioritise, gave me space to offload and accountability to try small things.
Although I’m still battling with a lot of guilt and sadness with having left teaching, the fundamental fact which makes it all worth it, is that I am HAPPY. And I’m still able to use my skills and expertise as a teacher, mentor, leader and coach, to help people.
This post isn’t because I want sympathy or because I want teachers to leave. It’s because I know there are so many teachers & leaders out there who are overworked or burnt out and I want to help. I got from being at the point of break down, to coping and managing.
Let me help you do the same!
22nd January 2024
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