Mental Health in Schools

I’ve been working for Minds Ahead as a Learning and Development Specialist Coach.
I coach school Senior Mental Health Leads by supporting them in developing a whole school approach to mental health that aligns with their own school values, ethos and policies.
I love it!
It’s fascinating hearing what different schools and trusts have been doing and what they plan to do. So many lucky children are receiving such wonderful provision!
It’s also really sad. As it’s a whole school approach, it includes staff wellbeing too. Every single teacher I have worked with so far, has identified staff workload, understaffing and morale as being key factors affecting teacher wellbeing.
Another common theme is the impact of the increase of children with special educational needs in mainstream schools. Whilst being inclusive is absolutely necessary, staff are not receiving the right level of training, support or resources to best support those children. And by using teaching assistants & LSAs to work with children with SEND, they are being taken away from the teachers who need extra help in the classroom.
I know some schools are starting to really focus on mental health and wellbeing but it has to consistently be at the forefront for all schools and not just for the children, but for parents and staff too.
Minds Ahead works with schools in supporting Senior Mental Health Leads in developing their whole school approach, so that they can focus more mental health and wellbeing. I love that I’m a part of it!
What do you do for mental health where you work?
11th January 2025
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