What Am I?

I grew up knowing I was going to be a teacher. I spent my childhood setting up classrooms, practising my handwriting on a whiteboard and shouting at my sister in the ‘playground’ (our garden!).
‘Teacher’ became my identity.
I didn’t go back to teaching in September as I started a new career as a life coach & an education freelancer.
It felt weird.
When people ask me who I am and what I do, I find it difficult not to say ‘I’m a teacher’. I spent 20+ years living and breathing as a teacher!
But during one of my own coaching sessions, I was able to recognise the different ‘badges’ that I have earnt over my career and life. I am still learning that it is okay to put some of these badges aside as I gain new ones.
I’m learning to see how we don’t ever really lose our badges, but we can change them around, put some to the side and use them interchangeably to build our own personal picture.
So, what am I? I’m a slightly confused teacher, who doesn’t teach at the moment, but is finding new ways of learning how to help people to be the best versions of themselves!
What are you?
15th November 2023
2024 © Emma Yentis, All Rights Reserved